Tuesday 28 June 2011

28 June 2011

Episode 1

Probert is not happy that one Gwyneth, of the two lesbians, is managing his family law case (about access to his daughter).  He doesn't think that a lesbian would have the first idea about how to empathise with a man, and accuses her of bias.

Colin tells Meic that Anita wants nobody to know that the two of them are together.  Meic is finding it difficult to be in Colin's presence.

Episode 2

Ffion invites herself round to a non-existent party at Macs and Sioned's place.  Macs quickly excuses himself, being around alcohol makes him nervous.  He's quite clearly still in a very bad place.

Huw tells his Leighton that Lios is pregnant, and that he's the father, but he can't bring Sion round to his point of view.  Leighton is caught between wanting to be loyal to his grandson but also loyal to his son too.

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