Wednesday 29 June 2011

29 June 2011

Ffion takes some pupils for an open day at Cardiff Uni, but takes herself off to a pub, talks to some strange bloke, and gets drunk.  When the pupils are not back at the appointed time, Gaynor makes frantic phone calls, including one to Ffion, who sheepishly says that she is ill.  Gaynor asks Macs to go to Cardiff and collect them, but he freezes up and refuses point blank (we assume this is where Scott lives).

When Gaynor says she will report him to the board of governors, Macs admits to Gaynor that he was attacked.

Initially she appears to be sympathetic but then throws it back in his face, saying that now he must realise how Izzy felt.  This seems rather uncalled for.  Later, she appears at his flat, and gives him some information to help him.  Macs says that she is only there to ease her conscience, threatens her, and throws her out.

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