Monday 22 August 2011

22 August 2011

Macs returns to his house.  Sioned thinks that Iolo has thrown him out, but he says he wanted to return to tell her the truth.  She thinks that he is having an affair with some woman, but with a heavy heart he tells her the truth - that Scott spiked his drink, and raped him, and that there was nothing he could do, he couldn't fight back.

She's shocked, frightened, upset and confused.  She can't understand why he didn't report it, but Macs says that if he'd done so, the whole village would know.  She says they will get through it, together.

Later in Y Deri though things are understandably continuing to play on her mind, and she thinks that Scott must be gay, and was gay all along whilst he was seeing Sioned.  Later still at home, Macs admits that he only attacked the guy the other week because he called him a poof.  Sioned tries to make Macs tell the Police or his solicitor this, but he is unmovable.

He apologises for being angry, again she understands.  He says that they haven't slept together for months, she says there is no rush, and embraces him tightly.

Eifion and Cadno tell Eileen and Denzil that they are going to be away for 3 months.  Eileen reacts very evenly, but she's upset, and she has other things on her mind too.

Dani gets some money from the insurance company for the fake burglary a few weeks ago, £2,500, and gives it to ABD.  Brandon suggests that ABD should give Dani a share in the company.  Someone says 1%, but Brandon persists and secures her 5%.  Dani jokes that they'll have to rename it AB-double-D.. funny considering how big her boobs are.

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