Wednesday, 31 August 2011

31 August 2011

Anita invites Diane and Eileen for a night out in Llanelli.  Debbie invites herself along.  She also asks Ffion, but she declines, to avoid the temptation of alcohol.  Ffion does however volunteer to drive them there, to save on the taxi fare.  She joins the party but sensibly elects not to drink - no mean feat when the girls are all drinking.  Eileen has a major shock though when the drag act turns out to be Norman!  He recognises her too, and exits the stage quickly - but he later comes over, still in drag, and makes conversation with all the girls except Eileen.

Eileen goes backstage and talks to Norman, more openly this time.  Predictably she asks him if he's gay.  Yawn.  Hardly.  Not with that dress sense.  He says he does it to pay the bills, and he continues that he enjoys it, it's fun.  He never imagined Eileen would turn up to a show like that.

Megan invites herself round to Dai's house, and whilst she is well meaning, Dai is quickly bored.  Megan somehow gets the impression that Diane is an alcoholic, but actually the empty beer cans are Dai's.

Meic is a little melancholic without Anita in the pub.  He confides in Denzil that he wouldn't hesitate to take Anita back.  An interesting happenstance, since Anita has already confided in Eileen that she'd be very happy to give it another go with Meic.  When Anita comes home, they have a little talk, but make no progress.

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