Tuesday 13 September 2011

13 September 2011

Jinx tells Gwyneth he has a hangover, but she isn't paying attention.  She asks Jinx to look after Gwern.

Gwyneth confronts Gaynor, it turns out she's known for a few months about Yvonne.  Colin walks in on the conversation, he is surprised that Gaynor has acted this way.  Colin can't believe that Yvonne, he's own sister, has behaved this way.

Sheryl gets a visit from social services, a complaint has been made that Wil has been hit.  He interviews Wil but the allegation seems to be baseless.  Sheryl believes Garry is behind the story.

Social Services interview Gethin.  He's incredulous, and doesn't like being told he has to stay away from Wil.  Sheryl believes that Gethin is guilty, and says their relationship is over.  Meic and Anita have a go as well, saying nobody hits their grandson (Kevin is Wil's father, and Meic is Kevin's father).

Anita and Diane have a heart to heart about relationships.  This culminates in Anita asking Meic to move back in.  He says he will stay the night.

Garry tries to act the hard man with Brandon and Dani but it doesn't work, Brandon says he knows everything, but Dani looks a little worried.  Garry tries again later, but Brandon throws him out.  Brandon tells Gethin he knows about the burglary.

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