Wednesday, 7 September 2011

7 September 2011

Eifion nearly puts his foot in it, by mentioning to Eileen that someone's wife is pregnant "too".  Muppet.  Her attention is distracted by Norman, trying to be pleasant, but Eileen is rather rude to him.  She later feels guilty because she finds she's managed to get a job as a tutor for an evening class, thanks to Norman's interventions.  She's already realised Cadno is pregnant.  Norman comes into Y Deri, and Eileen thanks him.  But his polite but lukewarm reaction suggests that his feelings remain hurt.

Norman talks to Jim Probert, and gives him the contract.  ABD are sacked.  Dani and Brandon hurl childish insults at Norman, and Eileen stands by him.

Cadno tries to get her job back in the cafe, but Kevin says he can't sack Debbie because Cadno changed her mind.  But he'll try and give her as many hours as he can.  When Debbie shows up late for a shift, Kevin asks Meic to help.  But Meic is distracted, and it's clear he doesn't trust leaving Anita, even with Denzil, of all people!  He returns to Y Deri to find them laughing innocently about something and nothing.  It seems the damage is still unrepaired.  Meic later argues with Denzil over something petty, and sacks him in a fit of rage.  He then hires Dani, in what appears to be an attempt to turn the tables and make Anita jealous.

Garry trades insults with Dani.  When Brandon returns, Garry says he needs someone to run the garage becaues Gethin is leaving - news to everyone of course.  Later, Garry again threatens to tell Brandon that he slept with Dani.  Dani calls his bluff, and challenges him to tell Brandon, on the grounds that Brandon will as a  bonus never forgive Garry in addition to never forgiving Dani.

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