Monday 18 July 2011

18 July 2011

Ohian Frank talks to Sion, who offers an interview in the local paper about his heritage.  Interestingly, and possibly significantly, Frank refuses to have his picture taken, citiing some silly phobia, but this doesn't ring true.

One of Frank's ancestors rings a bell with Sion.  Might this be a lead to his ancestry?

Debbie's son Liam calls, he's been granted leave, but for reasons as yet unknown he won't come home, he wants to go to Birmingham to stay with a friend.  Liam seems very edgy, anger barely concealed below the surface.  There's definitely an interesting story behind this.

Macs's behaviour is still upsetting Sioned.  Macs refuses to take part in the local fun run, even when asked by his father Sion.  When Sioned sends Macs a text asking when he's coming home, he promptly calls for a taxi into town.  Sioned walks into Y Deri, and he claims it's an end of term staff party.

He returns home in the early hours, drunk and noisy.

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