Monday 18 July 2011

19 July 2011

Gaynor is having problems with Lois, who won't face up to the future and make preparations for the baby.  It seems Gaynor is having to do all the hard work herself.

Denzil, Dai and Norman are again clashing over the building works.. Norman is such a twat!  At the rate he's carying on he'll give himself another ulcer.

Sheryl and Gethin discuss Ffion's alcoholism.  There is no easy answer, but Ffion looks awful, and Sheryl is worried about Ffion being around her son Wil.  Sheryl catches up with Ffion in Y Deri, and Ffion claims to be drinking orange juice - but in the background, her 'water bottle' is lurking.  It won't be long before people spot her doing it.

Dani and her brother Gethin go out to a club.

Gaynor and Hwyel buy baby things for Lois, but she stays out with Huw.

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