Tuesday 26 July 2011

26 July 2011

Ffion clashes with Gaynor and Hywel in the café, and claims that she's having her first alcohol free day, nevertheless she looks awful.

Macs appears to be off to the doctor, but understandably he lies to Sion about where he's going, when Sion overhears him talking to Sioned.

Sion talks to Iolo and Gaynor about his concerns, whilst Iolo knows a third of the truth, only Gaynor knows all of it.  She tells Sion privately that Macs was sexually assaulted.  Sion rushes straight to Macs, who after being initially hostile, breaks down and cries in Sion's arms.  Sion's compassion towards his son is deeply moving.  Iolo is told, and he too is deeply shocked.

Gaynor and Hywel talk frankly about Lois's pregnancy, Gaynor is upset that she'll effectively have to raise Lois's baby herself.  Gaynor clearly has some residual feelings about the fact that she herself had an abortion.

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