Thursday 28 July 2011

28 July 2011

Episode 1

Dai and Diane's dinner party does not start well, when Frank invites Megan without checking first.  Diane is not amused to learn that Megan has been making the most of Frank's business acumen, or that she plans to move back to the area.  Frank volunteers to give £1000 to a charity of Megan's.  They needn't worry however, as he offers to inject £100,000 into their business!

Liam returns from Afghanistan, but he appears to be very tired, and goes almost straight to bed.

Gethin 'breaks in' to Dani's flat, and makes a convincing mess, Dani's anger when she and Brandon return home is genuine!  She wasn't expecting it to look quite this authentic.

Norman and Eileen finally kiss, but they are interrupted by Eifion, who isn't daft, he knows exactly what they've been up to.

Episode 2

Ffion wakes up in her car with an empty vodka bottle by her side.  More and more people in Cwmderi are starting to talk about her.  She nearly gets herself run over, but she is ungrateful and bumbles off.  Later, she comes into Y Deri, and downs a shot of vodka in a fraction of a second.  She's in a bad way emotionally and physically.  Later still, close to tears, she climbs into a taxi, telling Sheryl that she has obtained a place at a private clinic, that she needs help and can't do it on her own.

Dani gives Gethin a piece of her mind for making such a mess during the fake break-in.  The Police come and investigate.  Dani's plan backfires however, when Brandon comes clean, that he was keeping some of Gary's money safe, and he says that they will have to use their savings to pay Gary back.

Macs is showing signs of improvement, it seems just telling Sion and Iolo has made a big difference.

Debbie and Ricky question Liam about his time in Afghanistan.  He starts to deflect and avoid questions, and it's clear that his time there has been traumatic.  He tells Debbie about his friend Andy and an IED.

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